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上海自考网> 试题题库列表页> 7.The study followed the students for a decade.


卷面总分:100分     试卷年份:2016    是否有答案:    作答时间: 120分钟   

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7.The study followed the students for a decade.

  • A、A.True

  • B、B.False

  • C、C.Not Given

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某英文报社正在举办题为Watching Movies at Home or in a Cinema?”的征文活动,请就此题目写一篇英文短文应征,内容包括:你喜欢在家还是在电影院?看电影理由是什么?

4."Uncool"kids are more likely to commit crimes.

  • A、A.True

  • B、B.False

  • C、C.Not Given

Self-reliance (自立)


Everyone has heard(hear)the word"self-reliance".Emerson wrote a 41  (fame)essay about it.He felt that people should trust in their own 42  (able).They should think and act for themselves.Like many such 43  (term),this one had no real meaning for me until it was 44 

demonstrate)to me in real life.

Last year I met a blind girl 45(name)Gail.She was 46  (extreme)slender and weak,but she always insisted on 47  (find)her way around the school by herself.When she 48  (sit)in a room with several of us,there was sometimes a(n)49(easy)silence,because we thought she might resent our acting too cheerful and thoughtless in her 50  (present).On such occasions, she would say something casual or show us how fast she could write.She never asked for anyone's pity.She truly relied on herself.


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